On the Run With the Wallers

Pray for what you want, but work for what you need.

Friday, June 30, 2006

This is one of my favorites...

If anybody has watched the weather the past couple of days, they are calling for a 30% chance of rain on the 4th. We are proceeding as planned and will take our chances. Don't forget to bring your lawn chairs if you come. See ya then!

Monday, June 26, 2006

The Sunflower

The Sunflower
The sunflower stands
Like a soldier on duty
Turning its brown face
Toward the sun, closing
Its petals when the
Big orange ball sets, and
The silver croissant
Comes into sight, along with
All the glowing stars.
by Brianna Waller

Skating Commando

Here is Mason throwing down some tricks on his board. I feel some medical bills coming my way!


Look at this tough bunch of insane skaters! Pay particular attention to the really tough one in the middle. For more insane skater pics check out their blog:


New wolf on the prowl!

Mason officially made the transition from Tiger Cub to Wolf Cub this summer. He spent a week at Cub Scout Camp at Camp Russell where he earned 6 new belt loops and learned a lot of really cool stuff. We are excited about the upcoming year and you all better get ready to buy some popcorn!

Up and Coming...

This is Mason getting congrats from the United States Middle Weight Kickboxing champion, Thomas "Thunderkick" Longacre. Later on that night we went to Battle at the Brady IV and watched Thomas knock his opponent out in the second round. Mason got to walk Thomas into the ring. It was a lot of fun!

Who's the Master?

Sho Nuff its Brianna Waller. Here she is beating the chop suey out of Mr. Kyle a third degree black belt. During this class Brianna tested for and obtained her yellow belt.

Beauty and the Beast

This was taken last July at our 10th Wedding Anniversary Vow Re-newal Ceremony. We topped it off with a honeymood trip to New York City. We had a blast, what a great place. We can't wait to go back and take the kids. I just don't know if I can handle all those museums a second time though.

Waller...Mason Waller

Gonna be 7 on July 28th. Wonder where those good looks come from? Aside from playing Army and riding his bike, Mason likes to play piano and he loves his tae kwon do classes!

My Girl

For those of you who haven't seen Brianna in a while; here she is. Daddy's little girl! Ten 1/2 going on 20. She is involved with piano, tae kwon do, and different writing contests.

Fourth of July Bash

This is an open invitation to all of our friends and family. We will be popping firecrackers and cooking burgers and dogs on Tuesday July, 4th. Come and eat and have fun!

Some peoples children...

Last Thursday night Liz was walking, the kids were out playing in the yard and riding bikes and the Gator in the street and Jackie, Lanny and myself had taken up our usual posts (seated in lawn chairs next to the street). As the usual custom when one of the adults sees a car coming the yell of "CAR!!" goes out to warn the kids to get out of the street or if on their bikes or in the Gator to pull to the side and stop. This warning is repeated several times a night.

This particular night was just like any other until one the neighbors driving by in their car decides to roll down their window and tell Hayden (3yrs) and Tanner (2yrs) to get out of the street. When the neighbors came home Lanny stopped them in the street and told them if they had a problem with our children to come and tell one of us not the children. As you can imagine this didn't go over well and they sped off.

Flash forward to Saturday night and the usual activities were taking place when the aforementioned neighbors drove by and swerved toward Tanner. I just don't understand people. The results of that action could have been horrifying. To say the least it prompted a terrified and angry response from Courtney and Lanny.

It just makes you wonder where the common courtesey and compassion for your fellow man has gone. Instead of looking for things to complain about, why don't we look for things to praise.

- Louis